Well Women Checks

A private well woman check includes:

Well Woman Clinics have been set up to allow women who generally feel healthy within themselves, to be tested or screened regularly at reasonable intervals (annual), for the purpose of reassuring them, and also for the purpose of detecting early conditions, that will not otherwise have been picked up, or diagnosed, without the Well Woman Clinic assessments. It does involve thorough general examinations; tests and discussion around those results, health screenings that help you catch early signs of degenerative illness, risk factors such as high cholesterol and review your lifestyle and health requirements. Rather than offer a medical that screens for its own sake, we tailor our assessment and recommendation to your requirements and clinical needs. Please note that if you have a medical condition, we will screen you with respect to this, therefore the general preventative health screenings are not intended for diagnosis of symptoms or chronic complaints. Nonetheless you need to realise that while you are screening for reassurance of health, the test may bring up results that may suggest you have a condition that will need further medical referral and intervention. It also may show up, what we call false negative – like a red herring. It suggests that there may be something there, when indeed it’s not there, or it’s not something that you should worry about. There are also times when the significance or importance of a test result will be doubtful. So it is important to prepare for both positive and negative results when you are undertaking Well Woman Clinic health screening.

Well Woman Clinic assessment may include any of the following, either single or in combination or in package of tests, put together to screen for various health condition clusters:

  • Lifestyle assessment
  • General examination and discussions – height, weight, BMI calculation, blood pressure, urine analysis, and other relevant cardiovascular risk assessments.
  • vaginal examination (vulva, vagina and cervix)
  • pelvic examination of female internal organs
  • cervical cancer screening test (PAP smear)
  • internal abdominal ultrasound (optional)
  • family planning (often including IUCD – contraceptive coil – fitting)
  • HPV ~Testing
  • the menopause and hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Emergency contraception.
  • Fertility screening
  • Female Sexual health screening, including Rapid Chlamydia Urine Screens
  • Digital mammograms for breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer blood screens
  • Pre pregnancy vaccines including rubella and chickenpox
  • Ultrasound pelvis/abdomen

If your required assessment or test is not listed above, all you need to do is ask and we will be able to advice you, and most likely we will be able to arrange thius for you, as we do make use of one of the top clinical laboratories in the country.

The medical will also always include a full blood profile which is an excellent indicator of overall health. This is as follows:

  • Haematology (blood count, platelets, red blood cells etc.; white blood cells
  • Liver function screen
  • Kidney function screen
  • Serum iron
  • Calcium levels
  • Full lipid profile including HDL, LDL and total cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Glucose level

Well Woman Check Packages

Basic – Recommended for women up to 40 years


Blood pressure and weight

Examination of breast, abdomen and pelvic organs

Trans-vaginal scan

Full blood count

Liver and kidney function

Lipid profile

Cost: £450

Intermediate – Recommended for women between 40 to 50 years

All the features of Level 1 (see above) and:

CA 125 for ovarian screen

Cost: £540

Advanced: Recommended for women above 50 years

All the features of Level 1 (see above) and:

CA 125 for ovarian screen

Breast mammogram

Cost: £700

Stand-Alone Well Woman Screens

We can also provide the following specific health screens:

Cervical cancer screen

We offer ThinPrep cervical screening, which picks up abnormal cells from the cervix, and helps to advise if further testing is necessary.

Cost: £160

Ovarian cancer screen

Ovarian cancer is more common after 40 years of age. We do this mainly in women with family history of ovarian cancer, who have reasons to be concerned about this risk.

Cost: £370 (includes trans-vaginal ultrasound and CA 125 blood test)

Mini sexual health screen to check for:

Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV

Cost: £160

Full sexual health screen to check for:

Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis

HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C

Cost: £400

The results are usually available within 48 – 72 hours and will be forwarded to you personally as mutually agreed, with some basic report of what all the results means. We may need to arrange a follow-up consultation depending of the results, if discussion are necessary, regarding further test, monitoring, or treatment, if this is necessary.


Gynaecology scans

Trans-vaginal scan: £190-£250

Abdominal scan: £190-£250


Ovulation scan: £150

Endometrial thickness scan: £150

Follicle tracking scan: £150

Follicle tracking cycle (Up to 4 scan): £500

Fertility screen ultrasound scan and blood test + short consultation: £350

HPV test: £140

Herpes swab: £85

Herpes blood test: £85

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination – Gardasil: £250

Family Planning

Copper Coil consultation: £150 + £100 for coil & fitting

Coil removal consultation: £150 + £50 if threads seen